On Wednesday March 23rd the PDP in cooperation with EEAA held the 6th Advisory Board on Climate Change in Cities (AB-CCC) in Cairo House (the cultural and educational center of the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency “EEAA”). The meeting was attended by representatives from government bodies, local authorities and academia as well as experts from GIZ headquarters in Germany. The theme of the 6th meeting tackled the health problems associated with climate change in the Greater Cairo Region (GCR).
The meeting included presentations on the climate change effects with the biggest effects on the health of GCR residents. A case study from Cairo illustrating the ways in which to improve the thermal comfort of residents inside buildings as an adaptation to heat stress which is the main impact of climate change on GCR was presented. This was followed by presentations from experts from the Ministry of Health and researchers in the health sector who explained the effects of heat stress on diseases and the health sector in Egypt. They also presented the measures that the Ministry of Health is taking to combat the diseases related to environmental factors including climate change.
In a fruitful discussion following the presentations participants identified the threats faced by the health sector in Egypt arising from climate change and avenues for collaboration to develop coping and adaptation mechanisms and interventions which could help PDP to implement some pilot adaptation measures to improve health conditions of urban informal areas residents. In addition, those could help EEAA and the Ministry of Health to better understand the vulnerabilities of health sector and their role to help citizens to adapt with climate change impacts through improved institutionalization, capacity building and allocate required funding.