
File Type Size
Annex A Grant Application Form (Word format) .doc (Word Document) 1.01 MB
Annex B Budget (Excel format) .xls (Excel Workbook) 90 KB
Annex C Logical framework .doc (Word Document) 50 KB
Annex D Legal entity sheet PDF 48 KB
Annex E Financial identification form PDF 62 KB
Annex H Guidelines and checklist for unified for cost options .doc (Word Document) 199 KB
Annex I Information on Tax regime applicable to grant contracts signed under the Call .doc (Word Document) 37 KB
Annex II General conditions PDF 157 KB
Annex III Special Conditions .doc (Word Document) 406 KB
Annex IV Procurement by Grant Beneficiaries in the context of European Union external actions .doc (Word Document) 77 KB
Annex V Standard Request for Payment .doc (Word Document) 40 KB
Annex VI (i) Model narrative and financial report  .doc (Word Document) 42 KB
Annex VI (ii)_Financial report_en  .doc (Word Document) 71 KB
Annex VII Model report of factual findings and terms of reference for an expenditure verification of an EU Grant contract  .doc (Word Document) 119 KB
Annex VIII Model Financial Guarantee  .doc (Word Document) 27 KB
Annex IX Standard template for Transfer of ownership of Assets  .doc (Word Document) 48 KB
Guidelines for Grant Applicants  .doc (Word Document) 607 KB
Local Publication_PDP_First Call  .doc (Word Document) 55 KB