Qalyubeya Governor Engineer Mohammed Abdel Zaher held a meeting today with the Coordinator of the Participatory Development Programme in Urban Areas (PDP) Dr. Günther Wehenpohl to discuss the 8 million€ European Union (EU)/ German government grant given to Qalyubeya governorate as part of the implementation of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)-PDP. The grant aims at upgrading the infrastructure of three informal areas in Qalyubeya governorate.
The governorate, being the competent authority, is meant to receive half of the grant value following Direct Award procedures to implement programmes aiming at upgrading three informal areas in Qalyubeya, namely Shubra El-Kheima, Qalyoub and Khosoos, while the second half of the grant will be used by Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to implement parallel programmes in synchronization with those implemented by the governorate. Qalyubeya governorate’s contribution to the grant constitutes 10% (equivalent to 450, 000€) out of the total value of the grant.
During the meeting, it was emphasized that the implementation of the programmes eligible to receive the grant will begin no later than March 2016 and will continue until March 2018. The programmes to be implemented will be chosen in light of the results of the Participatory Needs Assessment (PNA) conducted in cooperation with Qalyubeya Urban Upgrading Units (UUUs) for the three target areas. Based on the PNA results, a long list of the programmes that the governorate wishes to implement will be drawn up, provided that the budget for each programme does not exceed €600,000.
Eng. Abdel Zaher called on the German side and the EU to ensure a speedy finalization of any relevant procedures so that the programmes can be ready for implementation before March. On the other hand, Dr. Wehenpohl emphasized that the implementation would begin no later than March 2016.
Eng. Abdel Zaher and Dr. Wehenpohl reviewed a recent project implemented in Qalyubeya for the establishment of a Transfer Station in Khosoos City to which the collected waste (estimated to be 400 tons per day) is transferred then transported, using large and well-equipped trucks, to the Integrated Resource Recovery Centre in Khanka City so that it can be used in the production of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF), an alternative for fuel oil which can be used for the cement industry, as well as compost which is used for farming.