Job Vacancy_ Technical Advisor / head of component


A. Context 

  • The Participatory Development Programme in Urban Areas (PDP) is an Egyptian-German development project implemented in cooperation between the Egyptian Ministry of Planning and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (German Development Cooperation). The PDP was launched as an Egyptian-German Cooperation Programme (01/2004 until 12/2015), which is currently in its third implementation phase (2010-2015) in cooperation with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation– as a co-financing partner in addition to the core-financing of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the contributions by the Egyptian side. An additional finance is under preparation from the EU as a Delegated Cooperation and for creation a fund for the implementation of concrete measures.
  • The PDP focuses on the upgrading of informal areas in Greater Cairo Region by introducing and supporting the implementation of participatory methodologies for urban upgrading with public administration and civil society organizations to improve service provision and thus living conditions in an integrated manner to alleviate urban poverty.
  • The on-going phase of the Programme has as an overall objective of: “Public administration and civil society organizations improve services and environmental conditions for the poor urban population” with the following four components.
  • Component 1 focuses on the dissemination of participatory urban development procedures and tools and their institutional anchorage.
  • Component 2 focuses on ways and means to increase the resilience of informal areas to climate change.
  • Component 3 has the objective of establishing an integrated and community-based solid waste management system in two selected areas (Khosoos and Khanka, Qalyubeya Governorate) with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
  • Component 4 is tackling the improvement of the living conditions in four unplanned informal urban areas (two informal areas each in Cairo and Giza Governorates) through funds implemented according to EU’s grant procedures taking into account the active participation of youth, women, civil society organizations and private sector.
  • As an additional indirect component PDP implement a Youth Fast-track Measure within the same areas. A fund for Local Initiatives is managed by PDP with finance from funds by the Egyptian Government.

A.     Responsibilities

The professional advisor has the following overall responsibilities:

  • managing component 1 that forms part of the programme objectives, team agreements and/or agreements with the superior
  • assisting project/programme initiatives to provide professional advisory services to and cooperate with a broad range of target groups (government officials, national training institutes, universities, international organisations, and civil society organisations)
  • innovation and knowledge management with regard to component 1

 B.     Tasks

1.      Strategic functions:

The Senior Technical Professional will be responsible for:

  • Ensure the elaboration and support of the implementation of an organisational and capacity development strategy for the programme in the phase 2012 – 2016. This strategy should build on the programme’s previous conceptual and empirical efforts in this field, and in the same time respond to the new partners’ landscape and changing policy environment.
  • Ensure effective communication of the Capacity Development (CD) and institutionalization strategy to other programme components as well as to relevant partners of the programme, collect feedback and amend the strategy accordingly as appropriate.
  • In cooperation with the component CD advisors, oversee, within the agreed-upon strategy, the design of capacity development packages and material targeting both civil society and governmental partners at the governorate and district levels. These packages capitalize and put into use existing capacity development material at PDP. The Head of Component is responsible for developing, planning and coordinating any capacity development activity carried out within PDP including its components and its partners.
  • Follow up closely the implementation of any capacity development activities or programmes within the agreed upon strategy and give backstopping and orientation to these activities.
  • In close cooperation with the GIS seniors advisor, overlook the GIS unit of PDP and maintain, and support the development of ready-to-use strategies and technical concepts, including guidelines, manuals and procedures
  • In cooperation with the component staff, develop detailed work plans for the component in coordination with the Programme Coordinator and other component leaders.

 2.      Advising the partner institution(s)

The Advisor

  • Develop and maintain cooperation with relevant entities at the central government, governorate and district levels towards institutionalizing participatory upgrading tools, processes and practices within their administrative structures, decision-making and budget allocation mechanisms and implementation and monitoring mandates and modalities. These include, but are not limited to, Ministry of Planning (MoP), Ministry of Local Development (MoLD), Informal Settlements Facility (ISDF), General Organization for Physical Planning (GOPP), other ministry, the governorates of Cairo and Giza, UUUs and the four districts, and other departments.
  • Supports in the communication of capacity development and institutionalisation strategies to PDP’s partners,
  • Identify the need for any external technical input to the component and design Terms of References for consultancies and/or contracting out of technical inputs in light of the capacities within the programme and its partners. The Head of Component is also responsible to manage these technical inputs to ensure delivery of products and accomplishment of assignments.
  • Assists and monitors the development and implementation of project/programme plans and activities in close consultation with counterparts,
  • Contributes to preparing and implementing the coordination process, joint programme activities and work at the regional level,
  • Deals with the design, preparation and implementation of workshops, seminars and other events on issues connected to urban development,
  • Develops and organises quality assurance measures and suggests necessary changes, improvements and initiatives.

3.      Networking and cooperation

The Advisor

  • Develop cooperation with national training institutes, such as the Institute of National Planning (INP), Urban Training Institute (UTI), Saqqara Training Centre, and national NGOs with CD, Civic Engagement Centres, on institutionalization of capacity development packages to ensure replication of the application of participatory upgrading tools on a national scale.
  • Supports and maintains cooperation with relevant governmental entities, especially at governorate and district level towards institutionalising participatory upgrading tools, processes and practices within their administrative structures, decision-making and budget allocation mechanisms and implementation and monitoring mandates and modalities. These include, but are not limited to, the governorates of Cairo and Giza and the four districts where small-scale measures will be implemented.
  • Supports establishing cooperation ties with universities, such as Cairo University, Ain Shams, Asyut, Alexandria, etc. on the institutionalisation of capacity development packages to ensure the replication of participatory upgrading tools on a national scale.
  • Supports cooperation, regular contact and dialogue with partners, local or international, and other donor groups such as (DPG-UD) to improve and maintain good working relationships.
  • Communicates local interests and efforts, forwards these and encourages sharing ideas and information for the benefit of the programme.

 4.      Knowledge management

The Advisor

  • Lead the different components inside PDP on setting a strategy for knowledge management where existing and new tools and manuals get institutionalised amongst the different partners inside the government different tires and the civil society organisations.
  • Identify opportunities for experience exchange and dissemination of PDP experience in capacity development and institutionalization in Egypt and abroad to ensure visibility of PDP work.
  • Ensures knowledge transfer to programme information.
  • Develops ready-to-use strategies and technical concepts, including guidelines, manuals and procedures.
  • Draws up reports and presentation documents.
  • Prepares appropriate input for various programme reports including annual reports, and contributes to the other reports required by the programme manager and GIZ Head Office
  • Assists with research activities and studies on issues which benefit joint programmes.
  • Contribute to the knowledge management of PDP (Publications, elaboration of tools and instruments, training manuals, presentations on national and international congresses.

5.      Coordination tasks

The Advisor

  • Manage human and material resources available to the component and advice the Programme Coordinator on resources needs well in advance.
  • Takes over the leadership responsibility for the technical staff of the component.
  • Manage the component administrative and technical operations in close cooperation with PDP administration staff and the Programme Manager.
  • Assists with general project planning and develops project concepts including preparation, organisation and moderation of planning exercises and their implementation, management, monitoring, quality management, evaluation, communication and documentation
  • Coordinates relevant project activities at local level in consultation with the manager and in cooperation with the partners, both as regards implementation and preparing organisational aspects
  • Compiles the relevant information for joint activities and assignments
  • Handles order management on behalf of GIZ (e.g. offer preparation, impact monitoring, project progress review, reporting)

6.      Other tasks

The Advisor

  • Has to take over additional tasks on request, even they are not mentioned within this job description. Normally this should be agreed with the Programme Coordinator.

 C.     Required qualifications, competences and experience


  • Masters/MSc or higher in urban development (architecture, urban planning), geography, social or political sciences with a focus on development studies or similar field in the urban context.

D.     Professional experience

  • At least 10 years’ professional experience; from this at least 3 years in a comparable position.

E.     Other knowledge, additional competences

  • Very good working knowledge of IT technologies (related software, phone, fax, email, the internet) and computer applications (e.g. MS Office)
  • Fluent written and oral knowledge of the English and Arabic languages; working knowledge of German would be an asset
  • Excellent communication and organisational skills
  • Capacity to work well in a team
  • Ability to work under pressure and flexibility
  • Knowledge of GIZ policy and tools and previous GIZ-work experience are desirable
  • Willingness to upscale as required by the tasks to be performed – corresponding measures are agreed with management.

 F.     Application procedure

The following documents should be included in the application:

  • Motivation letter (including information on the expected salary)
  • Updated curriculum vitae with actualised photo
  • Two reference letters


The position can be filled as soon as possible, latest by July, 15th, 2013.

The working location is in the Ministry of Planning on Salah Salem Street, Nasr City.

Kindly send your applications by e-mail to Ms. Hanan Malek ( with copy to Dr. Günther Wehenpohl (), Deadline for applications is Sunday 17th of June, 2013.