The Seventh Steering Committee Meeting was held on September 21th, 2016 at the Informal Settlements Development Fund (ISDF)/ Ministry Of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities (MOHUUC); around 30 different stakeholders participated in the meeting including MOHUUC, ISDF, Ministry of International Cooperation (MOIC), Ministry of Education (MOE), Ministry of Health (MOH), Qalyubeya, Cairo and Giza Governorates, […]
On Monday, September 5th, the Urban Training & Studies Institute (UTI), affiliated to the Housing and Building National Research Center (HBRC) of the Ministry of Housing Utilities and Urban Communities (MoHUUC), and the Participatory Development Programme in Urban Areas (PDP) signed an agreement of cooperation at the UTI premises. The agreement was signed by Mr. […]
European and Egyptian partners visit the Participatory Development Programme in Urban Areas in Cairo
26 July 2016 Cairo — In the framework of the European Union’s (EU) Cooperation with Egypt, European and Egyptian officials visited ongoing developmental projects of the EU-funded Participatory Development Programme (PDP) in the urban area Ezbet El-Nasr. The PDP is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit Gmbh (GIZ), on behalf of the German […]
Fourth Egypt Urban Futures Seminar Tackles “Urban Mobility in Egypt: Planning, Lived Realities and Innovative Approaches”
On May 29, 2016 the Egyptian-German Participatory Development Programme in Urban Areas (PDP), the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) and the French Centre d’Études et de Documentation Économiques, Juridiques et sociales (CEDEJ) have successfully held the 4th session of “Egypt Urban Futures” (EUF) Seminar on the topic of “Urban Mobility in Egypt: Planning, Lived […]
The Egyptian Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities, Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, hosted a meaningful signing ceremony on May 23, 2016. Under his auspices the Governors of Cairo, Giza and Qalyubeya exchanged signatures with the Participatory Development Programme in Urban Areas (PDP) and thereby sealed several grant agreements that will trigger infrastructural improvements in poor […]
In 2009, the PDP started introducing the approach of Participatory Needs Assessment (PNA) in the Governorate of Qalyubeya with regard to providing a participatory base for the upgrading and development of an informal area called Khosoos. With the support of the Governor, the PDP initiated its activities on the local level in the district and […]
The October-November 2009 edition of Cairo-based “MAGAZ-Magazine” featured a review of PDP’s recently-published book “Cairo’s Informal Areas: Between Urban Challenges and Hidden Potentials” in both English and Arabic. Download: MAGAZ book review: Cairo’s Informal Areas
The PDP has released the publication “Cairo’s Informal Areas Between Urban Challenges and Hidden Potentials. Facts. Voices. Visions.” Published in July 2009, the book provides a comprehensive look at development in the informal areas of Greater Cairo, Egypt. It combines academic and journalistic articles, interviews and speeches as well as photographs by photojournalist Claudia Wiens […]
The latest manual “Sharing Available Information through GIS” published by the PDP in 2009 explains in simple steps how to share accurate information about a local area among all stakeholders involved in participatory urban development through the simple interactive information base called Geographic Information System (GIS). Guided through the manual along sets of questions, the […]
A manual published by PDP in 2008 explains how support for local community initiatives can foster participatory development in informal areas and lead to sustainable improvements in living conditions. The manual outlines how to plan, manage and support local initiatives; how to identify and involve NGOs, local actors and the local administration; how to implement […]
The Manual “Knowing Local Communities” published by the PDP in 2008 describes how to facilitate direct consultations with the local population to get as much accurate information as possible. Participatory community development requires knowledge about local interests, priorities, resources, and organisational capacities. Local residents – women, men, the old and the young – and local businesses […]
PDP Programme Manager Marion Fischer visits the World Urban Forum 5 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 22 to 26 of March 2010 to present PDP’s lessons learnt in the field of participatory upgrading of informal areas. The World Urban Forum is one of the world’s premier conference on cities. The Forum was established by the United […]
200 representatives of government, civil society, academia and international donors took part in the first Egypt Urban Futures workshop, a new workshop series, organised by the Participatory Development Programme in Urban Areas (PDP), together with UN-Habitat and the Centre d’Études et de Documentation Économiques (CEDEJ). The first session on the topic of “Informal Areas after […]
For more information about the Participatory Development Programme in Urban Areas (PDP), the GIS Unit or the Local Inititatives Fund, please download the following Flyers. Download: Information Flyer on PDP in Arabic and English Download: Information Flyer on GIS in English Download: Information Flyer on GIS in Arabic Download: Information Flyer on Local Initiatives Fund […]
Elena Piffero’s PhD thesis with the title “What Happened to Participation? Urban Development and Authoritarian Upgrading in Cairo’s Informal Neighbourhoods” is based on sound empirical evidence and a fascinating reading for anyone interested in Cairo and in the contradictions between development theories and practices. Her analysis follows three sets of questions: the first set regards […]