The Urban Development Unit (UDU) works in three main fields:
Further development of participatory development tools and methodologies, knowledge management within PDP, and dissemination of PDP products (approach, tools, experiences) nationally and internationally.
Tools (development – innovation)
UDU is working in two parallel lines; the further development of existing participatory tools on the local level, and the innovation of new tools and methodologies. Within this scope, three main activities are targeted by the unit:
- Refining district level tools in relation to proposed capacity building programs.
- Monitoring and backstopping for the testing of the tools through regional units.
- Develop a conceptual framework and comprehensive toolkit on three levels the program operates on: the local, regional and national level. The conceptual overview also presents the compliance of the tools with internationally agreed upon objectives (such as MDGs…etc.), as well as the overarching principles and concepts for the application of the tools.
Knowledge Management
The second field of activities is knowledge management in the fields of tools and methods, informal areas, and urban development, within which the following activities are planned:
- Development of a partner’s landscape, by mapping out partners related to informal areas, urban development and participatory tools.
- Establishing a PDP filing system and shared database.
- Creating and sharing within PDP a knowledge base on participatory development tools, informal areas, and urban development issues.
Dissemination of PDP Approach, Tools, and Experiences
The third field of activities is Dissemination of participatory approach, tools and experiences, within which the following activities are planned:
- Promotion of PDP participatory development tools and experiences nationally through experts meetings, dialogue forums, etc.
- Performing national/international activities, such as organising exchange opportunities abroad, organising exchange events in Cairo (such as Cairo Symposium 2008).
- Promotion of PDP participatory development tools and experiences internationally through exchange opportunities, presentation of the tools in international events and publishing a publication about PDP’s work.